
Gila River Hotels & Casinos

The ask for this project was to update the visual design and IA of the Gila River Hotels & Casinos website. Our Creative Director’s vision is to steer the entire brand towards a higher-end, more luxurious aesthetic. This was first applied to traditional advertising and marketing collateral. Naturally, the client wanted to refresh the look of the website to reflect that.

Tools used: Pen & Paper, Adobe XD

1. GRHC Before.png
2. GRHC Research.png
3. GRHC Sitemap.png
4. GRHC Wireframe Sketches.png
5. GRHC Wireframes XD.png
6. GRHC Mobile WF.png
7. GRHC Desktop WF.png
8. GRHC Design Mockup.png